Franchising and Licensing
- Drafting franchise and licence documentation – franchise agreements, master franchise agreements, area development agreements, licence agreements, disclosure documents
- Sale and Purchase of franchise or licenced businesses
- Franchisee/licensee compliance issues
- Dispute resolution
- Structure advice and intellectual property protection
- Review of franchise & licence agreements
- Adapting franchise and licence agreements from other jurisdictions to suit New Zealand law
- Advising on franchise and licence laws in other countries to franchisors/licensors looking to move their brand to new markets
- Drafting and review of master franchise & licence agreements
- Advising franchisors/licensors and franchisees/licensees on their rights and obligations
- Advising on compliance with the FANZ Codes and adapting franchise document to meet the FANZ Code requirements
- Compliance with relevant legislation – Fair Trading Act 1986, Commerce Act 1993, Contractual Remedies Act 1979
Franchises we have experience with
We have worked with many different Franchise Systems and have found that there are differences and peculiartites between them all. The systems below are just some of those that we have experience with.
- Burger Fuel
- The Cheesecake Shop
- Cookie Time
- The Coffee Club
- Columbus Coffee
- Driving Miss Daisy
- First Class Accounts
- Fritz’s Wieners
- Hell Pizza
- Hotondo Homes
- Illy Espressobar
- Lollipops Playland
- Lone Star Cafe & Reataurant
- Mozaik Cafe
- Nandos
- Need a Nerd
- Oceanz
- OCS Cleaning
- Pita Pit
- Pizza Hut
- Realty Returns
- Sierra Coffee
- Simplicity Vending
- SKIDS – Safe Kids in Daily Supervision
- Smith & Sons
- Speedy Signs
- Stirling Sports
- Super Shuttle
- Subway
- Swimart
- Thexton Armstrong
- Xpresso Delight
Commercial Law
- Sale and purchase of a business (assets)
- Terms of Trade/ Supply
- Distribution, supply and manufacturing agreements
- Compliance with legislation – Fair Trading Act 1993, Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, Privacy Act 1993, Commerce Act 1993
Commercial Property
- Sale and purchase of commercial property
- Review of sale and purchase agreements
- Drafting review and negotiation of lease documentation
- Leasing structure advice
- Advising tenants on their rights and obligations under the lease
- Advising landlords of their rights and obligations under the lease
- Compliance with the Property Law Act 2007
- Dispute resolution
- Advising landlords on tenant compliance issues
- Sublease and licence to occupy documentation
Company Law
- Structure advice
- Formation of companies
- Constitutions
- Advice on Director’s duties
- Shareholder and Joint Venture Agreements
- Distribution, Supply and Manufacturing Agreements
- Sale and Purchase of Shares
- Issue of shares
- Employee Share Option Schemes
- Advice on relevant legislation –Companies Act 1993 and Financial Reporting Act 1993
Estates and Trusts
- Formation and administration of trusts – family trusts, trading trusts and special purpose trusts
- Succession planning advice
- Gifting
- Wills
- Powers of Attorney
- Administration of estates
Information Technology
- Review and drafting of software licence agreements, service level agreements, distribution and supply agreements
- Agreements for the sale and purchase of intellectual property
- Drafting website terms and conditions
Intellectual Property
- Advice on intellectual property protection
- Registration of trade marks
- Licence Agreements
- Sale and Purchase Agreements
- Advice on Social Media Law
Residential Property
- Sale and purchase of residential property
- Review of LIM
- Drafting of sale and purchase agreement and special conditions
- Bank financing – loan and security (mortgage) documentation
- Review of Building contracts
- Pre auction assistance – review of agreements, due diligence
- Compliance with the Personal Properties Securities Act 1993
- Registration of security interests on the Personal Properties Securities Registrar
- Security Agreements – General Security Agreement and Specific Security Agreement
- Enforcement of Security Interests
Family Law
- Separation and Relationship Property Division